I've moved on...
...to a different domain. Why, what were you thinking? The truth is, I just woke up one day and decided it's time for a change—a metamorphosis, if you will; or, in layman's terms, if Britney can shave her head, then maybe so can I? Nevertheless, it's been a rather handsome 10 years of talking to you, and thank you for putting up with all my moodswings and terrible dad jokes. Fear not! The hormonal imbalance and jokes are more terrible on CUBICLE, see you there.

Jacket, Shirt, Pants – Gmarket; Shoes – Zara Sale; Bag – Reiss for Elle (free with magazine)

Chelsea College of Art & Design spatial design exhibition

It’s a fact, there is indeed such a thing as an all-Gmarket-outfit. Unfortunately all the items I’m wearing are all sold out so there won’t be a point in me linking to a site filled with squares and circles and sticks for you to pointlessly decode, I’m sure you understand.

Oh I think I’ve mentioned this before but I will get all my tennis muscles back on my arm  including ones that look like seasoned sirloin thanks to half-accurate forecast of regular hair-straightening sessions. Only on my right arm though. Either that or I’ll be soon rocking one-side-straight, one-side-curly hairstyle à la American Apparel two-colour pantyhose.

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  1. Kyu

    Jacket is uber cool @*&)@*(!)$*!) Pants are sick too.. last pic just melts me into cheese in lasagna.

  2. the mirror photo is way trippy and i can’t stop staring at it! love your pants. i need more like that for work – any suggestions? reasonable pricing as well? and your shoes are gorgeous!


  3. I always love your Gmarket items – those pants are gorgeous! I would love to buy stuff from Gmarket but the site is so overwhelming and hard to navigate; this might sound a bit silly, but do you think you could offer some kind of brief how-to guide to navigating the website? It would be so, so, SO appreciated!

  4. Yoshi

    Haha, I just ordered some stuff from Gmarket a week ago (using your guide – thankyou!!) – so confusing trying to work out what I was ordering though… fingers crossed that I don’t end up with items that are radically different from what I thought I ordered…

  5. such a laid back outfit :D love the fact that you’re wearing a heather-coloured tee! :P

  6. Those pants looks wicked-comfortable! Lucky you, to be able to wear pants still.
    It’s an ovan outside, where i live.

    Have a great day!


  7. Love those shoes!

    Madeleine Louise
    wekilledcouture . com

  8. WOAH that last image is amazing! And I love those random things that come with magazines for free (only outside the US, though…American magazines aren’t as generous!!).

  9. Really like your shoes. We are yet to get our first Zara in Australia! And yes indeed, that last image is amazing :)
    – Matea


  10. Cool jacket. Love the last photo. Ingenius!


  11. I love G-market hehe.
    Nice ZARA heels, suits you a lot :)

  12. omg i love your jacket!!

  13. totally diggn that last photo!

  14. the last picture is like a modern fashion scene with the mirrors reminding of the scene from the ‘last dragon, and i love that your rocking that bag, it’s my new favourite thing too.x

  15. You are just perfect.

  16. I love your jacket and the shoes are so chic.

  17. love the first photo… the outfit and the car in the background. i used to have a red 1973 VW but when i lived in LA… it was the coolest thing ever. these are gorgeous photos shini. love the simplicity of your outfit. xx

  18. you really do take the most beautiful photos of all!
    xxx isabel

  19. i love the length of your hair and these pics are fab

  20. your pants are gorgeous, last shot is beautiful!
    great post!
    nice blog also (:

    stop by mine sometime?


  21. The mirror room looks wicked!

  22. You have awesome blog and the photos,so amazing :> And greetings from Finland!

  23. love the 1000 mirrors photo…so cool :)))

    xoxo from rainy rome

  24. Love love your trousers



  25. j aime beaucoup votre blog , j aime beaucoup aussi votre série photo je suis désolé de mon mauvais anglais ( je suis française )

  26. J like very much your blog, j also like very much your series photo I am sorry about my bad English (I am French)

  27. Now I’m reminded of how long it has been since I’ve picked up a racket and made a proper attempt! That last image is fantastic, very Madonna from I-don’t-remember-which video.

  28. Such a cool picture (the last one). My arms are complete flubber. So much that they had a fan club at school for their flubber-ness (my arms can make ‘fatty buttons’ very well).

    Anyway, I really like that jacket! Hoping my mum has a few that I can steal from.


  29. wow stunning pics!! Especially the last one..:)

    visit us on

  30. anijnas

    do post a link to your favorite gmarket shops and a method to find good ones please. i’ve learned to read korean but its no use as i don’t quite understand it yet.

    thanks for the regular inspirations.

  31. alrightypoops, I shall!

  32. Thanks for sharing with us about GMarket. What a great site!
    There’s a simplicity and ease to everything about this ensemble. Works beautifully!
    And the mirror shot is Awesome with a capital “A”!


  33. Your photos are more than amazing! That last one is unbelievable. And your all Gmarket outfit is awesome.

  34. wow, great outfit.
    you have an amazing blog :)
    total inspired with your DIYs


  35. The old beatle car has caught my attention haha I always wanted to own one.

    Loved how the trousers creases in the mirror picture ;D

  36. Love the last “fractal Shini” photot !!! :D

  37. yep, as has already been mentioned, that last photo together with that outfit is spectacular.
    and i’d say your hair looks pretty darn pretty in it too!


  38. Love all of your picture, as always….my fav one is the one of yourself in the “mirror room”…great! Keep up the good work!

  39. wow these are gorgeous photos! the outfits, the background–everything!



  40. Really nice shoes !

  41. i love your shoes, they are gorgeous!


  42. such a lovely photos Shini!


  43. Love those trousers and shoes – that last shot is fab. xx

  44. Very beautiful shots and beautiful outfits!

    juliet xxx

  45. Julie

    Love the jacket!

  46. I am completely entirely infatuated with that mirrored collage